Tuesday, October 27, 2009


okay, so we all know that we're bad at oganizing ourselves... which is why we haven't had an episode in ages, so I'm basically trying to resurrect(i think thats how you spell it) our fan base by getting the word out. We are recording our next episode on NOVEMBER ELEVENTH and you know how i know? I've been working on starting a "club" at school for me, Jewels, and QueenBee. I've gotten an okay from the after school specialist and found a sponsor, so all thats left now is for us to go at it! UNLESS something changes, we will be recording epidsodes on the second Wednesday of every month, but that depends on the schedule of our sponsor. I didn't get much time to talk to her today but we know for a fact that the eleventh is fine. send comments, emails, etc. to maxawesomeness@gmail.com or cast@maxawesomeness.com the Maximum Awesomeness website (maxawesomeness.com) was down for a long time, but its finally accessible, but i have to get a programmer to make our website... professional looking. That being said, there's nothing there now except some little info pages on us... PLEASE SEND EMAIILS!!!!


  1. FINALLY! what's been taking y'all so long?

  2. your spelling of resurrect is correct

  3. At least you're being organized now.


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