Thursday, January 14, 2010

Road Block

Hey guys, just wanted to le you know that there has been a problem, delaying the next episode.
Jewels quit the podcast.
I'm sorry to everybody who was most fond of her, but we're having either auditions at our school or make one of the guests a regular to replace her, then you guys will be allowed to vote on whoever it is, I asked Jewels if she wants to do the season finale with us but she didn't want to.
I guess in the future we'll be like "Remember season one! it had Jewels in it!".
A little bitter, I know.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Next Wednesday, or after that, or after that....

well, we've had problems, since Xmas break & beyond, my mom gave her computer to someone to fix it (it's been broken) and she gave him the case too, so I haven't been able to carry my computer to school, sooo... since we didn't do anything this wednesday we'll probably do it next week, or it'll keep getting puched back until we actually get it done... sorry